About Roche in Aotearoa New Zealand

For more than 125 years, Roche has been committed to improving lives. Headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, Roche continues to search for better ways to prevent, diagnose and treat diseases and make a sustainable contribution to society. We have one purpose: to do now what patients need next.

Thirty-two medicines developed by Roche are included in the World Health Organisation Model Lists of Essential Medicines, among them life-saving antibiotics, antimalarials and cancer medicines.

We have had a presence in Aotearoa New Zealand since 1973 and operate across two key businesses, Roche Pharmaceuticals and Roche Diagnostics. The ultimate aim of our almost 100 employees across the country is to enable New Zealand patients to gain access to our medicines and diagnostic tests in order to detect illnesses – such as cancer, infectious and cardiovascular disease – early, and to treat them with life-saving and life-changing medicines.

We believe that good health is incredibly precious, but also complex, because every person is unique. We are working to advance the concept of personalised healthcare – to transform people’s lives by delivering care tailored to each individual – helping to prevent, diagnose and treat illnesses more effectively.

We have extraordinary people making all this happen.

New Zealanders currently have access to 27 Roche medicines, 16 of which are funded through Pharmac. Beyond this, Aotearoa New Zealand plays an important role in Roche’s global research and development network. In fact, Roche is the largest investor in clinical trials in Aotearoa New Zealand having invested more than $30 million over the last 5 years in local research and development. More than 1000 New Zealanders have been screened for access to treatments through these clinical trials. Overall, Roche medicines helped treat over 11,000 patients in 2022.

No matter which part of the business we work, our team understands that life changing discoveries will only matter if the right medicines get to the right patients.

Ko Roche kei Aotearoa

Neke atu i ngā tau 125, kua whakapau kaha a Roche ki te whakapai ake i te oranga. Ko te tari matua kei Basel, Switzerland, kei te rapu tonu a Roche i ngā huarahi pai ake ki te aukati, ki te tirotiro me te rongoa i ngā mate me te whai wāhi pumau ki te hapori. Kōtahi te kaupapa: kia mahia inaianei i ngā mea e hiahia ana e ngā tūroro.

E toru tekau ma rua(32) ngā rongoā i hangaia e Roche kei roto i te World Health Organization Model Lists of Essential Medicines, kei roto i ēnei ko ngā patu paturopi whakaora ora, ngā patu malaria me ngā rongoa mate pukupuku.

Kua noho mātou ki Aotearoa mai i te tau 1973 me te whakahaere i ngā umanga matua e rua, Roche Pharmaceuticals me Roche Diagnostics. Ko te tino whainga o ā mātau kaimahi tata ki te 100 puta noa i te motu kia taea e ngā tūroro o Aotearoa i te uru atu ki a tātou rongoā me ngā whakamatautau mate kia kitea ngā mate - pēnei i te mate pukupuku, te mate hopuhopu me te mate ngākau - mōata, me te rongoā i a rātou ki te ora- ngā rongoā whakaora me te whakarereke i te ora.

E whakapono ana mātou he mea utu nui te hauora pai, ēngari he uaua anō hoki, na te mea he ahurei i a tangata. Kei te mahi matou ki te ahu whakamua i te kaupapa o te tiaki hauora whaiaro - ki te whakarereke i te oranga o te tangata ma te tuku tiaki i whakaritea mo i a tangata, mo i a tangata - ka awhina ki te aukati, ki te tirotiro me te rongoa i ngā mate kia pai ake.

Ko ngā tāngata whakamiharo kei a mātau te mahi i ēnei mea katoa.

Rua tekau mā whitu(27) ko ngā rongoā o Roche e wātea ana ki ngā tāngata o Aotearoa. Tekau ma ono (16) o ēnei nā PHARMAC te pūtea. I tua atu i tēnei, ka whai wāhi nui a Aotearoa ki te whatunga rangahau me te whanaketanga (R&D) mo Roche i te kaupapa Whai Hauora Pai. Otirā, ko Roche te kaipupuri moni nui rawa atu i roto i ngā whakamatautau haumanu i Aotearoa, neke atu i te toru tekau ($30m) miriona neke atu i te rima(5) tau i roto i ngā Whai Hauora Pai puta noa i ngā wāhi mate. 

Neke atu i te kōtahi mano(1,000) o ngā tāngata tūroro o Aotearoa e whai wāhi ana ki ngā maimoatanga mā ēnei Whai Hauora Pai. Nui ake i te kōtahi mano kōtahi rau(11,000) o ngā tāngata o Aotearoa i tae whakapaingia e ngā rongoā o Roche i te tau 2022.

Ahakoa he aha te wahanga o te pakihi e mahi ana mātou, e mohio ana ta mātou roopu he mea nui noa ake ko ngā rongoā tōtika kia tae tōtika ki ngā tūroro te kitenga oranga. 

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M-NZ-00000625-v15.0/MR10379/SEP24. This site was last updated SEP2024

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